Thursday, October 17, 2013

Who Needs Baby Toys?

Who needs baby toys when you have cat toys and kitty brothers?  We have found that they entertain both babies and cat.  Phin has become pretty mobile and discovered the hidden kitty toys under the stairs.  We've since had to move the cat toys that were way too enticing and make a little baby hideout for him.  Here are some pictures of him and Basil (one of our cats) playing with the toys and each other this past weekend.
In the morning, Phin had fun hitting around the green mouse.  Basil was interested.

Phineas crawled under the stairs and tipped over the basket of cat toys to play with them.  Our stairs are open so Basil found a good spot to watch.

Can you see Basil reaching his arm way down trying to touch Phin?

Phin was waving the cat brush around and Basil was trying to hit it from the other side of the stairs.
Here Basil has his paw on top of Phin's head.  He kept taping on the head through the stairs.

Basil wanted a closer view.

Phin likes waving around this cat toy that is a stick with a bell and feathers on the end.

Phineas on my knee with the cat toy.

Here he found Basil's favorite stick.  You can see Basil crouched down behind the jumper ready to pounce.

Later both kitties came to watch Phin.  Basil is under the jumper and Cyril is right behind him.  Phin loves his kitty brothers!

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