Saturday, February 27, 2016

Phin knows the letter P and what sound it makes!

Phin has been learning a lot of letters at school but especially P for his name.  Today I asked him to find P on the keyboard and he was able to locate it out of all the letters! Then he floored us again by making the P sound when we were talking about the letter.  What a smart little cookie!


Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Family Visit and a First Haircut

A few weeks ago we were lucky enough to have some family come and visit us.  The boys had a great time with their Grammy, aunt, uncle, and cousins.  While they were here, Jonas finally got the haircut that was a long time in coming.

The before pictures.  This was Jonas's expression for pretty much the whole experience.  He wasn't going to cry, but he wasn't going to smile either.

All cleaned up!

Having fun riding around the mall on giant animals.

Showing off his new haircut in the play area at the mall.

Birthday and Pre-Valentines Day Pictures

Apparently, I uploaded these pictures and then never actually published the post.  Here is a picture from my birthday and from the boys around Valentine's Day!

Friday, February 5, 2016

Superhero Day!

Wednesday was superhero day at day care.  Both boys dressed up with capes.  Phin was Batman and Jonas was "Captain Drool", a very appropriate name for him right now.


Thursday, February 4, 2016

Sick Day

Phin was sick last week and we decided to keep him home on Monday since he didn't look to great on Sunday night.  Even though we took it a little easy, by Monday he was doing much better.  We made some homemade play dough and went out and enjoyed the "warm" weather.   The sun felt great and Phin was so excited to go on a walk.

Look!  We even found some signs of spring!

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Monday, February 1, 2016


Most of the winter so far has been warm with no snow, waay to cold to go outside, or snow that resembles a sheet of ice.  We found one "nice" January day so far when it was warm enough for little guys not to freeze and there was a small covering of snow over the sheet of ice below, so that we could go sledding. Here is a video and pictures:

 In our pre-snow pics, Phin looks totally thrilled.  Jonas on the other hand wouldn't sit still for one second without trying to come towards the camera.