Sunday, November 22, 2015

Super Weekend Update: Part 4

I think this will finish out the super update.  Here are a few random pictures from the past week or so.

Phin knocked over the cat food bowl and then tried to clean it up. 

The boys dressed up in their Buckeyes gear for football day at school.

On Saturday morning, the boys were excited to see the almost foot of snow we got for Jonas's first snow.


Super Weekend Update: Part 3

A week or so ago, Jonas celebrated his 8 month birthday!  He's getting so big, so fast!  One of his favorite activities still includes jumping in his jumper.  He enjoys eating solid foods, but only if they are fine purees.  Anything with texture/chunks is a no-go.  He enjoys rocking on all fours and turning around on his stomach.  He's so close to crawling!  He is very motivated by anything that his big brother has.  He is still not sold on sleeping, but he is getting better.  He is one happy little guy!

Phin was not happy that I was only taking pictures of Jonas so he had to get in on it too.

This one is blurry but it was the closest I got to capturing him on all fours.

This is a common pose for him on his side.

Hooray for being eight months old!

Saturday, November 21, 2015

Super Weekend Update: Part 2

The week after Halloween, Grandpa and Nana came for a visit.  The boys had so much fun!

Sneaking up on the geese

So excited to go for a walk

Jonas was not quite as thrilled

Playing in the leaves

Riding on Grandpa's shoulders

On the last morning we hung out at the hotel and boys watched the pool with Grandpa


Friday, November 20, 2015

Super Weekend Update: Part 1

So things have been a bit busy with Halloween, Nana and Grandpa visiting, Matt traveling for work, and a half million other things.  I haven't posted in a while but I have a lot of pictures.  I'm going to try and get them all up this weekend because with Phin's birthday and Thanksgiving next week, we are only going to have a ton more!

First, for Halloween, we went to our town's Fall Fest.

Fuzzy family photo taken by a stranger

A little lion meets a big lion...he's not to sure about this...

Our cool minivan pumpkin met its end just short of Halloween but the gourd family survived.

Our little alligator

Going trick-or-treating 

So excited even though it was rainy and cold

 Discovering there is chocolate in the pumpkin!