Sunday, June 30, 2013

Just Because...

Here's an extra picture/double post for today just because I think it is cute.  It is a horrible picture of me, but Phineas looks so darn cute when he's sad.  This is right after he put his legs in a pool for the first time.

Big Boy Highchair

On Friday night we went out to dinner and Phineas got to sit in a big boy highchair at a restaurant for the first time. It was a little big, but he did just fine.

Saturday, June 29, 2013

More Adventures in St. Louis

I posted a couple of pictures a few days ago from St. Louis.  Here are more of family members and Phin.

Phineas snuggling with his Great-Nana.

Phineas asleep for the pictures, but posing with Cousin Anna.

Cousin Mary and two of the great-grand kids.  Phineas does not look thrilled with having his picture taken again.

This one is blurry but he's having a good time.

Phineas showing off his necklace with Great Aunt Marcia.

Pre-bath shot with Great Uncle John.

Brunch at the Willows with Nana.

Phineas would not let Nana keep her glasses on.  She eventually had to take them off because he kept pulling the off.

It was a great visit!

Thursday, June 27, 2013

A New Noise

Phineas has a new noise that he was making today.  Here's a video of him showing off his new talent.  He also has a tooth that has finally made it through his gums!  The first one!  There are three more (1 more on bottom and the two on top) that are in hot pursuit!


Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Happy 7 Months!

Phineas turned 7 months yesterday and he is such a big boy!  He loves splashing in water, the color red, chewing on anything he can get his hands on (his front bottom and top teeth are coming in at the same time), bouncing, standing, and getting tickled by Daddy.  Happy 7 Month Birthday to our little boy!

He loves to move his arms when he is happy.  This is an action shot.

Phineas and Patty the Platypus

Well hello there!

Hmm, I'll have to think about it.


Monday, June 24, 2013

Adventures in St. Louis

This past week Phineas got to visit his great-Nana and all of his wonderful relatives in St. Louis.  He also got to hang out with a bunch of women who love babies at a teachers' conference.  There will be more pictures to come in the following days, but here are two to start.
Here is Phineas in his cherry outfit that Nana got him at his baby shower before he was born.

He also went swimming for the first time in the hotel pool.  While he seemed to be okay with it after a little bit of time, this is what he thought of it at first.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013


Phineas loves bath time and loves splashing so much.  He has started to get water everywhere!  He hasn't been swimming yet, but we plan on going soon and I'm very excited to see what he thinks of a very, very big bath tub.  Here's a video of him splashing.  Be prepared - it is only clips of him having a good time and splashing (there's no big finish or anything).  However, we think it is super cute!


Friday, June 14, 2013

Dream on...

Dreaming of football, touchdowns, and beating Michigan...


Phineas got all dressed up for Ohio State.  Too bad it's not football season yet, but that's okay.  Let's go Bucks!

Thursday, June 13, 2013

The Big City

Today was a beautiful day.  Perfect blue skies, warm spring/summer air (which proved to be much chiller near the lake and with the wind), and a happy baby made for a great day.  Phineas got his first real taste of Chicago.  He saw Moody, where Daddy went to school; ate at our favorite restaurant, Penang; visited shops and sights along Michigan Ave. including the John Hancock Building and the American Girl Store; went to the beach on Lake Michigan; got fancy cupcakes; and even snagged free Chik-Fil-A sandwiches for dinner (Happy 2 Year Anniversary Downtown Chik-Fil-A!).  What a busy, fun day.  He LOVED the beach.  As we were walking across the sand towards the water he was extremely happy and kept squealing with delight.  I guess we'll have to go back again.  Enjoy some pictures from our day!
Visiting Moody

The John Hancock Bulding

Feeling Sand For the First Time

When we were packing up to come home, a big butterfly flew into our car.  What a beautiful end to a beautiful day!