Saturday, April 20, 2013

Pita Inn

Tonight we decided to try out a brand new restaurant by our house called Pita Inn.  We've heard the few other branches are very popular and apparently so is this one. While we were killing time waiting for our food, Phin had fun playing with his toys and making silly faces.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Great Grandma Bouldin

Today we said goodbye to an amazing woman and Phineas' great-grandmother.  Valora Bouldin will be so very missed by us all.  She was an outstanding wife, mother, grandmother, and great-grandmother.  There are many things that I admire about Grandma and many things which I will continue to carry with me and hope to pass on in her memory like puzzles, pie crusts from scratch, and homemade fudge.  :)  I admire her marriage, the cute nicknames, and the way she and Grandpa literally finished eachother's sentences.  One of the things that I think will be the best tribute to Grandma's memory will be what I see each day in the face of my little boy.  From the second he was born, we said he had that "Miller lip".  The exact same upper lip as Grandma.  In his smile, I will see her.  Though she only met him through Skype, I know that she asked about him constantly, especially throughout the pregnancy.  I hope that we can raise him to be as good of a son as she raised her own children to be.  We love and miss you so much Grandma and take hope in the fact that you are in a better place

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Little Cosmonaut

Today we had an appointment to have Phin's head evaluated for a D.O.C band (head shape correcting band/helmet).  He had to wear a little nylon hood and he looked just like a little cosmonaut.  We also couldn't believe how big he is looking when we went back and looked at the pictures.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013


Every morning when we get Phineas up and unswaddle him, he spends the next 5 minutes or so stretching.  This video was taken last weekend and is a little light on the stretching, but still pretty darn cute in our opinion.  

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Bob and a Polka

Here are two videos that we have taken recently.  The first one is Phin enjoying his Bob the tomato toy he got from Easter.  He is talking lots to Bob.  Bob's face usually gets a good laugh out of him.  The second video is of Papa dancing with Phin on Easter morning and singing an Italian polka.  Phin was very entranced.

Sunday, April 7, 2013


We had a wonderful time in Cleveland for Easter meeting lots of new family members, hanging out with Grammy and Papa, and playing with cousins.  I am going to put all the pictures on another site, so let me know if you would like that info.  Here are a few of the highlights from the weekend.  I realize only in retrospect that I didn't get a picture of each family member with Phin.  I apologize.  We're going to try and be more conscious of that in the future.

This is Phineas in his Phineas and Ferb outfit. 

One of the very few pictures that we got of this outfit before it got ruined.

Opening Easter baskets.  The outfit has already changed two times. By this point he was in an unbuttoned dress shirt with no pants on.  There won't be many other Easters where he can wear that! :)  He was quite toasty.


Saturday, April 6, 2013

Tummy Time

This morning Phin was getting in some tummy time and brother Basil decided to join us. 

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Open Window!

We're doing our best to get back in the routine of things after a busy Easter weekend.  (Fun pics from Easter coming soon.)  Today was the first really warm day we have had and Daddy opened up the window for all of the boys to look out.  The kitties even got a visit from their very good friend Mr. Chipmunk who lives under the front step.  I guess he finally woke up from his nap!  Happy Spring!