Saturday, January 30, 2016

10 Months

In the middle of January, Jonas celebrated his 10 month birthday.  At that point in time he was liking some crunchy foods, but not a lot of things other than baby food.  He was crawling all over the place and starting to pull himself up.  He is a happy boy who loves roughhousing and being silly.  Since he is very active, it was hard to capture photos this month.  After taking quite a few we ended up with a couple of good ones.


Christmas: Part 2

After trying to catch up on pictures and our computer then dying for 2 weeks, we are back up and running.  Here is the rest of Christmas:

The boys got a tunnel for Christmas.

They also got to visit with lots of family.

 Another fun activity was having a dance party with Nana and Grandpa.  Phin loved showing off his new moves. He particularly liked dancing with his great-Nana's cane. Videos are most likely to follow.

Everyone likes silly time with Grandpa.

We also tried to recreate a photo we did with Phin 2 years earlier.  Jonas was not particularly cooperative, but we got a few.

Saturday, January 16, 2016

Christmas: Part 1

We celebrated Christmas in St. Louis and the boys had a blast with family.  The boys dressed up in matching outfits for Christmas Eve at their Great-grandmother's.

This was the best attempt at getting Phin to "hug" Jonas for a picture.

Daddy even had a matching outfit too.

Back in Great Nana's apartment, you know it is a good party when there's dancing and someone loses their clothes. ;)

 Christmas morning snuggles with Nana

Jonas enjoying something from his stocking.

Jonas with his new friend Sophia opening gifts.


Saturday, January 9, 2016

Getting Ready for Christmas

In a continued effort to get caught up on pictures, here are some from December as we got ready for Christmas time.

 First we got our Christmas tree.  Phin helped decorate with some ribbon he found.

Later he found a plastic bag that would be a good addition.

Look at all those lovely presents under the tree...
Our brown box Christmas was a result of (1) having family that is out of town, (2) Amazon being amazing, and (3) us having no time to wrap anything. 

Cooking a meal for Christmas time

This one is fuzzy but captures a Jonas laughing face

The boys enjoyed some of the things found in a white elephant gift from my work.

Phin enjoyed the hat and necklace so much he wore them all day, even while we made cookies.

Thursday, January 7, 2016

Starting School and 9 Months

At the beginning of December, Phin started preschool through our local school district.  He goes every morning and seems to be really enjoying it.  He even gets to ride on the bus!  This is from the second day of school and the first day riding the bus.

(The pictures were actually taken one day apart. [notice the snow] Phin was all ready to take the bus with his giraffe.)

Also in December, Jonas celebrated his nine month birthday.  Around this time he also learned how to crawl and got his top four front teeth.  His favorite thing to crawl to is the cat food that he is bound and determined to pick up and throw. He continues to love to shake maracas, smile, and be an all around happy little guy.  His only dislike is sleeping, day or night.