Sunday, November 13, 2016

Playground with Grammy

We had a very nice visit last weekend from Grammy and Papa.  One of the mornings, we spent a beautiful day at a newly discovered park.

Jonas discovered a fun game of running up and down this ramp and giving Daddy a kiss.


Wednesday, November 9, 2016


Both boys had a wonderful time trick or treating.  Phin really got it this year and did a good job at least saying, "hi," "bye," and "thank you".  Jonas stared warily at each stranger and he did not like to carry his pumpkin.  He did, however, like the lollipops he got.


Sunday, October 30, 2016

Fox Jack-o-Lantern

We love finding something from our year to be the theme of our jack-o-lantern.  This year we choose a fox because one of the boys' favorite books/songs right now, A Fox Went Out on a Chilly Night, and one of their favorite movies from this year, ZootopiaThey especially loved helping by pretending to cut extra pieces.


Pumpkin Farm

Yesterday we enjoyed the uncharacteristically warm weather with a trip to the pumpkin farm.  Nobody was interested in posing for pictures (as you will see), but we had a great time.  Both boys loved the rides and a little playhouse that they had.


Monday, October 24, 2016

Family Pic

After church we decided to embrace the beautiful fall weather and take a picture of our family.  Getting two kids to look at the camera at the same time is much harder than it looks.