Thursday, July 30, 2015

Beating the Heat

The boys had a fun time playing outside today with some water.  Actually Jonas is not a huge fan of water outside the bathtub.  He did, however, have a great time looking at the trees and screaming excitedly. If you click on the pictures to see them larger, you can really see Jonas's spiky hair well.


Tuesday, July 28, 2015


Yesterday I put Jonas on his activity mat and when I looked at him again, he seemed to have turned. I chalked it up to the fact that I just didn't remember precisely where I put him or that Phin must have given him a little push.  However, this morning while making breakfast I set him facing some toys. When I came back he had most definitely moved.  I sat and watched (and took pictures with my phone) in amazement as he turned himself around 360 degrees trying to look at all of the things around him.  I think he's going to be off and ready to crawl very soon!


Sunday, July 26, 2015


One of Phin's favorite things to do right now is to dance to music.  He loves to dance to just about anything and prefers to hold a toy while doing it.  His two signature dance moves include spinning in a circle and locking his knees and swaying back and forth.  He's a master!


Friday, July 24, 2015

Birthday Party

Phin went to a friend's birthday party.  It was cat themed, and he at least let me get one picture with the ears on.  He also liked the water. ;)


Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Jonas's New Sound

Jonas discovered he could make this sound yesterday and hasn't stopped since.  The video is kind of long but he's just so cute!


Monday, July 20, 2015

Grandpa and Nana

Phin has taken interest in a magnet on our fridge of Mommy, Daddy, Grandpa, and Nana.  I asked him yesterday to find everyone in the picture.  Here is a video of him.

Sunday, July 19, 2015

4 Months Old!

These are pictures from around a week ago when our little guy turned 4 months old.  He is smiley and happy (when he's not really hungry or it is late at night ;) ) and still doesn't care too much for sleep.  He enjoys making a variety of sounds and watching what his big brother is doing. He is desperately trying to sit up and would be off and running if only he could figure out how.  He is also at the 94 percentile for height.

Really trying to pull himself all the way up to sitting.

Here is 31 months vs. 4 months.  I think Jonas is going to catch up soon.

Saturday, July 18, 2015

A Visit to Connecticut: Part 4

This is the last and final installment of our trip to Connecticut.  

I realize that most of these pictures may not be that interesting if you weren't there.  On the last day, Grandpa, Uncle Lee, and Daddy built scaffolding to get up and fix the broken pulley at the top of the flagpole.  

 A shadow tribute to Ohio State.  O-H!

 Jonas was happy watching the fun.

 Phin was trying to park his space shuttle.  I think he's going to need a bigger garage for that one.


A Visit to Connecticut: Part 3

Just some more pictures and fun from our time in Connecticut. (And I have decided there will also be a Part 4 because there were just too many pictures for this post)

 Daddy and his Hawaiian boys on the porch

The next two are from when we attended a great free jazz concert and taste of the town on the local green

Jonas got his first bath in a sink and seems pretty happy about it.

Here we are hanging out by the pool in the sun trying to warm up.

Phin showing off his swimming skills

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

A Visit to Connecticut: Part 2

 Here are some more of our adventures from our time in Connecticut.

 We went and played on a new playground.  Everybody enjoyed the merry-go-round.

Uncle Lee and Daddy showed off their playground skills.

Nana and Phin made some music.

Besides playing the big pool, the boys also enjoyed the little pool.

 One of Phin's favorite things was leading people on walks