Friday, September 13, 2013


I don't know if the cicada population has grown or if I am just noticing them more this year.  The bark on the trees outside of our  house are covered with their shells/skin.  Last night, for the first time, we got to watch one shed it's shell on our front step.  I know it is not about our sweet baby, but it was pretty cool.  If you scroll down I've also included some random shots of our little man.

He's pushing up a lot more these days!

This is him in the middle of making one of his favorite sounds where he vocalizes and waves his hand up and down against his lips to make a funny sound.


  1. He's so cute I can't wait just to kiss kiss kiss him. Love, Grammy

  2. Many cicada broods emerge every 13 or 17 years. This is the year of Brood II. Hence, your cicadas!
