Saturday, July 6, 2013

Serious Splashing

It has been getting warmer and we really wanted to take Phin swimming.  Unfortunately, it has rained a lot and been colder outside, making our condo pool quite chilly (as I can only guess that's why it is so cold from having worked at a pool for a long time).  So instead of going into the big chilly pool, we set up a little pool in an inflatable bathtub we have.  He seemed to be enjoying himself and splashing lots, though he kept his brow furrowed and face serious.  This is serious splashing time.  No smiles allowed.  Here are some pics and a video.  We think it's pretty funny that every time he splashes on his face, he drinks the water (you can see it in the video). 

1 comment:

  1. I see he's turning into a swimmer just like his mommy.
