Thursday, June 30, 2016


Following directions we found online, we made a sprinkler out of a pool noodle.  I have some improvements for the next time we use it, but it was lots of fun.  Jonas especially liked the water.

Here Jonas figured out he could drink the water if he put his hand in the spray and then in his mouth.


Monday, June 27, 2016

Rainy Day Picnic

Last week we ended up having a picnic lunch at a pavilion in the park.  I had wanted to do lunch at a different playground/park or a petting zoo, but Jonas waking everyone up at 5:15 meant early morning naps and a change of our day.  By the time we went, it was late enough our choices were limited and a dense fog meant it was cold and drizzling everywhere.  Good thing our park has pavilions!  We had a scenic lunch near the lake and got to watch lots of people and dogs go for walks (a Jonas favorite).  
(Just a warning, pictures are not top quality/focus)


Wednesday, June 22, 2016


The boys had a lot of fun today with a bubble machine from their Uncle Joey.


Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Water Fun

On Monday we decided to beat the heat after nap time by enjoying some water in our front yard.  I spent most of the time trying to get Jonas to stop drinking the water.  Phin thought it was hysterical to take scoops of the water and spray it across the sidewalk.  I see a lot more water in our future this summer...

In this picture Phin (unprompted) has his hand up saying, "No, no, no" to Jonas (for attempting to drink the water) and thinking it was very funny. 

Monday, June 20, 2016

Two Smiles

It is a hard task to get both kids smiling, sitting still, and looking in the general area of the camera.  Here's the best we got from a recent try on Trinity's campus after church one day.  These boys constantly melt our hearts.

I thought this one was funny because Phin is lounging.

Something must have been pretty funny to Jonas in this one.

Last Day of School (Daycare)

Friday was the last day of daycare (or as we often refer to it "school") for the boys. I remembered on the way out the door that I would probably like to get a picture.  Jonas would not stand still and charged towards the camera every time, so there is no one great shot.  However, you can see how much the boys have changed and grown since last August. We are thankful for such kind and caring people that have watched over them for the past year.  Now, let summer begin!

 First day:

Last day:

Thursday, June 16, 2016

Grumpy Cowboys

Last week was Cowboy Day at daycare.  Apparently early in the morning is not the time to try and get a good picture.  At least one person is smiling in each picture..


Monday, June 13, 2016

School's Out for Summer!

Both Phin and I are officially done with school (although Phin will go back for the middle of the summer).  We've already had a great start to June.  Here are some pictures of fun inside and out.  The boys love a pop-up Thomas the Tank Engine that one of Matt's coworkers found for them.  It is basically like a giant train shaped tent/tunnel.


Sunday, June 5, 2016

The Farm

As the school year is approaching its end, I am finally going to have a couple of free minutes (I hope) to keep the blog up to date!  At the end of May, we got a visit from Grammy and Papa.  One of the things we did was visit a local farm where you can pet the animals!  Both boys had a good time.  But Jonas, our animal lover, for sure had a blast!

Waving to a llama

This little pregnant goat was just the right size for Jonas to brush.

This sheep got a double brushing