Monday, September 28, 2015

Summer's Ending

The boys are enjoying soaking in every last bit of the summer weather that they can.  Both enjoy looking out the window and feeling the breeze. (And can I just say that they are looking like such big boys!  They are growing up too fast!)

Also to end the summer, Matt and I enjoyed watching the Blood Moon and solar eclipse on Sunday night.  Here are few pictures out of the million blurry ones I tried to take.

Apple Picking

This weekend we went apple picking and enjoyed the beautiful weather at a new park with some friends. 

If you can't find him, Phineas is crossing the bridge in this picture.

 Jonas thinks I'm crazy for continually taking his picture.

Friday, September 25, 2015


These are some miscellaneous pictures.  The first ones are of Phin sharing his markers with Jonas.  He loves to color and all on his own he brought them over, gave them to Jonas, and then laid down with him.

Here are some candids from some other point this week.

And I found a picture of Phineas at the exact same age as Jonas, 6 months, when it was his first time on the exact same swing. (This is what it looks like when you have one at the 0 percentile and another at the 99th)

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

The Park

We went to the park this weekend and had a great time enjoying the beautiful weather.  Jonas also got to go on a swing for the first time!

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Backing up

And he's off! (In the wrong direction)  This weekend Jonas has started to scoot backwards in an effort to crawl forwards.  I took a video  after I noticed that he had scooted back from his toys all the way to the TV.  He seems very motivated to crawl, so who knows when it will happen! Here's a picture and a video. You can see the pile of rings where he started and how far back he got.


Saturday, September 12, 2015

6 Months!

Our little guy is 6 months old today!  I can't believe how quickly it has gone.  He is sitting up pretty well and loves to reach and grab things.  He loves jumping and bouncing and when you sing to him. He has tried rice cereal, peas, and green beans but greatly prefers the liquid diet.  He is full of sounds and giggles and is great at tracking you wherever you go.  He prefers 30 - 40 minute naps and dislikes sleeping more than 2 hours at a time at night, but I read somewhere that waking up frequently is a sign of high intelligence, so I'll take it as a good thing.  

Apparently we aren't feeding this kid enough.


Back on Track

Wow, I just saw that it has been over a month since we posted anything.  August was filled with travels to Ohio and the start of two new jobs and daycare, keeping us quite busy.  As we are slowly trying to get our lives to calm down and get back to normal, I have really been trying to get back to the blog.  I am now an itinerant teacher for children with a hearing loss where I get to travel around to all different schools and age levels giving kids, that are in mainstream or other classrooms, a little bit of extra support.  Matt is now the Director of Graduate Enrollment at his university and is enjoying some new responsibilities.

Anyway anyone reading this probably cares a lot more about our kids than whatever it is that we are doing, so on to the good stuff.  Here are a couple of recent pictures to get this thing going.  I'm hoping to get more up soon along with Jonas's 6 month pictures, as today is his 6 month b-day!

Jonas has been good at pushing up on his hands for a while but now he is working on getting his butt up.  So far it hasn't happened at the same time he also has his head up, but we'll get there.