Thursday, April 30, 2015

The Smile

Jonas is just starting to smile.  It usually comes when you are talking to him and can be accompanied by some very cute cooing.  I'm finding it hard to capture in a picture because by the time I'm done talking and have gotten him to smile, it takes long enough to put my camera up that the smile is fading.  I'm sure as they stick around longer I'll capture a good one soon.  Here are some of him from today with the tail end of a smile along with him smiling and watching his big brother.  I also included one of our big boy's smile because it is so infectious. 


Sunday, April 26, 2015

Playing in the Park

This is actually from last week when we had a lot of nice weather days.  I don't know who's more excited to finally get out, Phin or I.   Jonas, as you can tell from the picture, looks a bit less excited.

Friday, April 24, 2015

Baby Camo

These snuggly PJ's from Grammy are fitting perfectly right now. They also are perfect for hiding from everyone and blending in with my blanket!  It's like baby camouflage!

Thursday, April 23, 2015

6 Weeks

We can't believe this little guy is six weeks old already.  He keeps getting cuter every day if that's even possible!


Friday, April 17, 2015

Sibling Jealousy

We have been trying to make sure Phin still gets lots of special attention and time since the baby arrived.  However, still having to split your time with some else is hard to do.  He seems to like the baby some, especially pointing out his facial features or grabbing his toes.  Here's what he does when you ask him where the baby is...

 I wanted to take a video of Jonas making sounds but it ended up being a pretty funny video of sibling jealousy.  (fyi - No children were harmed in the making of this video.

And one more picture of Phin from the park to make sure he gets his time in the spotlight too.

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

First word!!

We are so proud of Phineas!  Yesterday, he said his first word, "bye-bye"!!  He has worked really hard at learning language and understands a lot now.  He also has quite a lot of words in sign language.  Imitating and producing speech though is really challenging for him so we couldn't be more excited about this huge step!  Good job Buddy!


Tuesday, April 14, 2015

1 Month Old!

This past weekend Jonas turned one month old!  It has gone by so fast. He weighs 9 lbs now (30th percentile) and is still at the 88th percentile for height.  He enjoys being held (pretty much exclusively) and also enjoys eating frequently.  He rolled over a number of times at 3 weeks old but hasn't really done much since.  He is starting to look at toys and people more and make some cute sounds.


Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Visit from Connecticut

Our next visitors came from Connecticut.  We got to spend the week with Nana and even got a surprise visit from Grandpa!  Here are some pictures from our week.

Monday, April 6, 2015

Visit from Cleveland

We have been quite busy over the past few weeks.  It started with a visit from family from Cleveland.  Phin was so excited about all the visitors.  Here are some photo highlights.