Thursday, March 26, 2015

2 weeks!

Baby Jonas is now two weeks old!  We are loving this tiny little guy.  Here are some pictures from our adventures so far...

We spend a lot of time just lying around...

in our pajamas.

Phineas has a passion for anything that has handles and can be carried around.

 More pajamas!  This time the boys are being pajama buddies.

Jonas folds up easy for carrying.  There's nothing like having a sleeping baby on your chest.

Phineas enjoys going on adventures around the house.  We all can't wait until it is warm outside!


Saturday, March 21, 2015

Thursday, March 19, 2015

1 week!

We can't believe that it has already been one week since Jonas joined our family.  He fits in, enjoying all our favorite activities like eating and sleeping.  I'm going to try and post more frequently, but here are some pics from the past couple of days

Happy belated St. Patty's Day from our boys!

Monday, March 16, 2015

Welcome home Jonas!

This will be one of those videos only family will probably be able to tolerate.  Two solid minutes of a baby doing absolutely nothing.  I thought people might like to see him on our first full day home from the hospital.  Enjoy!