Friday, October 31, 2014


Despite it being a very, very chilly and windy Halloween, we enjoyed dressing up in our Star Wars themed costumes.  Matt was Darth Vader, I was Princess Leia from when she is on Endor, and Phin was an Ewok.  

Phineas trick-or-treating

While we waited for the very few trick-or-treaters that braved the weather, Phineas got to see Star Wars for the first time.


Monday, October 13, 2014

Trucks, Trunks, and Treats

This weekend our city put on an event called "Trucks, Trunks, and Treats".  We got to dress up, see all kinds of cool trucks that are in our community, and get a few treats along the way.  Our costumes aren't fully complete you'll just have to wait for closer to Halloween. We are going with a Star Wars theme this year. :)

Princess Leia (from Endor) with an Ewok

Ewok on an ambulance 

An Ewok touching a school bus for the first time

Firefighter Ewok

Darth Vader and an Ewok

Look Mom, I can drive the lawn mower with my teeth!