Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Working out at the gym...

...the activity gym.  Phin had a good time today looking at things hanging from his activity gym.  One of his favorite activities is just laying and kicking his legs and moving his arms as much as he can. 

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Finding the new normal

This week is our first full week with me back at work and we are starting to try and figure out our new normal. Hence a picture and post taken with my phone. No time for cameras today.

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Busy day

He had on a super cute outfit at church but unfortunately spit up all over it. Here we are after lots of festivities at church and a pretty busy day.

Saturday, January 26, 2013

2 months old!

I cannot believe that Phineas is two months old already!  It has flown by.  I started back at work on Wed., hence the absence of any pictures for the last 3 days.  At his 2 month appointment yesterday he was a whole 9 lbs and 13 ounces.  It is hard for me to imagine that some people have babies born bigger than this.  This morning to make up for lost time we had a little photo shoot. Here is a sample of the photos.  You can click on one of the photos to view them a bit larger in a different screen.  Enjoy! 

He somehow found the sticker with his hand, grabbed it, and started to peel it off.

Turning 2 months old is a bit scary...


Tuesday, January 22, 2013

One last day

Today is the last day of my maternity leave.  Since when we got up the temperature outside was -2 with a windchill of -14, we decided to spend a very snugly day together trying to stay warm.   

Monday, January 21, 2013

A Beary Cold Day...

We had a wonderful weekend introducing Phineas to more family members.  Here's a picture of all the cousins.

This morning when we went to say good-bye there was a windchill of -11.  So, Phin made sure he stayed both cute and warm.  It was sad to say good-bye but we had so much fun!


Sunday, January 20, 2013

Hanging with the cousins

The past few days we had a great chance to hang out with the cousins.  We are hoping to get a group shot that I can post later.  Today we went to a place and got to build lots of things with legos.  He wore a moose shirt in honor of his aunt and uncle and their enjoyment of moose.  He looked like such a big boy!  Here is with Daddy and getting a kiss.  What a fun day!


Saturday, January 19, 2013

The tiniest splint

One of Phineas's fingers has been unable to straighten since birth.  After spending many hours at the doctors yesterday (mostly waiting since they rarely see children this small and obviously don't understand how waiting three hours with a newborn isn't at all hard to do...), he got a tiny splint to help stretch it out.  He was the tiniest and youngest person they have ever made a splint for.  The therapist commented that it was probably the same size splint she would make for a basketball player's finger.  We are still figuring out how to keep it on him and comfortable since he is somehow able to eventually slip his fingers out.  Hopefully being little and pliable, it will straighten itself out in no time!


Friday, January 18, 2013

Go Bucks!

In anticipation of the arrival of his aunt, uncle, and cousins from Ohio, Phin decided on an Ohio State outfit today.  It is even complete with Ohio State socks!  He can't wait to meet some more family today!
Super mesmerized by the window


Thursday, January 17, 2013

Baby bear

So that I have one picture per day, here is our baby bear after visiting mommy's work for the first time.

Laundry Day

These pictures are actually from yesterday but we have had such a busy days that there was no time to put them up.  Everybody loves to help with laundry day!

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Oh so that's what that's for...

We were wrong.  All this stuff isn't for babies, it's for cats!  We have been thinking that the cats believe all the new stuff in the house was bought for them.  In fact many baby items do also make good cat items too.  Lots of things that are soft and nice to lie on, things that dangle, things that jingle, etc.  Today both Cyril and Basil at separate times thought that the activity gym and especially the part meant for "tummy time" was a cat throne.  They also think that we bought them a new large cat bed that a baby needs to inconviently sleep in at times and that they occasionally get kicked out of. (See the picture below.)

Monday, January 14, 2013

Bath time!

Today Phineas took his first non-sponge/washcloth bath!  We have been waiting quite a long time as his bellybutton has been a bit stubborn in healing.  While he normally screamed before during bath time, he seemed to enjoy this quite a bit.

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Baby, It's Cold Outside

After a huge temperature drop and a storm that left a thick sheet of ice on everything, I was freezing.  This sweatshirt may be a little too big now, but it was chilly. Not our best day and not our best picture, but it has been a rough couple of nights with little sleep for everyone. :)

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Handsome Boy

We absolutely love this picture of him.  This is one of a few smiles we saw today. Although we are still not sure they are in response to anything yet, we'll take them!

In other news...last night was a big night because he slept for the first time in his big boy crib in his own room by himself.  What a big, little guy.
This picture was taken in the dark with my flash.

Friday, January 11, 2013

Baby Teacher

One of our students in Korea drew us a portrait of our family (about 4 years too early).
So that he could fufill his role as "Baby Teacher", cousin Jenny gave Phineas a very adorable apple hat.  Today we went on a morning walk to celebrate the fact that it is in the 50's in Chicago in January.  He decided to wear his apple hat.

He was so worn out from walking all over the neighborhood that he was completely passed out by the time we got home.



Thursday, January 10, 2013

The Almost Smile

Both yesterday and today we feel like we are seeing a few "almost smiles".  We can't wait for him to begin smiling socially.  And while I'm sure this isn't a real smile yet, we'll take it.  

This isn't a smile but I thought one more cute picture never hurt anybody. :)

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Sunny Day

This morning we spent the morning like most others, looking out the front window.  Phin loves to look outside and is mesmerized by the sky and trees.  He also loves to kick his legs and swing his arms while lying there.  So it was a bit tricky to get a non-blurry shot of him.  I think he looks like he's swimming.  I can't wait until this summer when we can take him to the pool!

Look at how well he fits into this newborn outfit compared to when we brought him home.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

A Day in the Life of Phineas

We know that many family members wish that that they could see Phineas each day and we wish that they could too.  So, I have decided (and we'll see how long this lasts) to try and post a picture a day of the little guy.  I am hoping to have the picture up by dinner time each day.  When we have enough time, the pictures will be better quality and if it is a busy day I will post one from my phone.  Enjoy!  Today was a bit of a crabby day so we had to keep the pacifier in for this one. :)